
Our mission is to provide the most highly skilled physical therapy services available to permanent and seasonal residents of southwest Florida who are disabled by pain, dysfunction, disease or injury. We take a progressive approach in meeting your individual needs by providing comprehensive treatment plans consisting of personalized exercise programs, manual therapeutic techniques, and physical therapy modalities designed to relieve discomfort, reduce symptoms, restore function, and help achieve an optimum level of health.

About Christopher Scott Newell, PT

Christopher Scott Newell is a physical therapist practicing in Naples, Florida. He is the founder of, a website dedicated to providing information and resources for patients seeking physical therapy. With years of experience in the field, Christopher is dedicated to helping individuals improve their mobility and overall well-being. He offers a variety of services and techniques to address a range of physical issues, and is known for his personalized approach and compassionate care. Through his website, Christopher aims to educate and empower individuals to take control of their health and achieve their goals.

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