Using a hands-on approach that puts the patient first in treating an array of painful conditions including disorders of the spine (disc, joint, and stenosis), non-surgical orthopedics and sports medicine, joint and arthritis pain, neuropathy and radiculopathy, and many other painful conditions.Low back pain and sciatica, leg pain, neck and arm pain, musculoskeletal pain, joint pain and osteoarthritis, discogenic pain, neuropathic pain, cancer pain, facet syndrome and facet pain, sacroilitis, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS or RSD), shingles and post herpetic neuralgia., Joseph Bax D.O., Pain Management Specialist, Board Certified in Pain Management & Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation by ABPMR, Fellowship Trained and Board Certified in Pain Medicine, Scott Fuchs D.O., Board Certified in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and in Pain Management by ABPMR, Zdenko Korunda, M.D., Board Certified in Pain Management by ABPMR and ABPM, Fellowship Trained at Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Diagnostic Tests:, Nerve Conduction Studies, Discograms, Therapeutic Procedures:, Epidural Injections, Facet Joint Injections, Radiofrequency Ablations, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Trigger Point Injection and Joint Injections